Jaguar Exploration
The Right Answers to QC Questions

Q. Is Jaguar Exploration an oil and gas exploration company?
A. No. Jaguar Exploration is a geoscience consulting company.

Q. Is Jaguar Exploration a seismic data acquisition company?
A. No, we support clients’ seismic data acquisition by designing and conducting quality control (QC) processes and programs for them.

Q. Does Jaguar Exploration do VSP acquisition?
A. No, we QC the data acquisition for the client.

Q. Do you do audits of recording systems?
A. Yes, we perform instrument and equipment audits.

Q. Do you do seismic data processing?
A. Yes, we can provide customized rather than volume processing.

Q. What types of QC services do you provide?
A. Jaguar Exploration provides seismic data acquisition QC, geodetic (land surveying and navigation) QC, field processing QC, and HSE QC for land, TZ and marine surveys.

Q. Does Jaguar Exploration have a Project Management/QC System?
A. Yes, we have unique and proprietary Web-based software developed specifically to maximize the value of the QC process for our clients.

Q. Do you do seismic interpretation?
A. Yes we do; we use the SMT workstation.

Q. Do you consult on geopressures?
A. Yes, we consult and also provide training courses.