[ Installation of modular refineries ]

We Build The Best Modular Refinery

Jaguar Exploration’s commercial partnership with Refinery Equipment of Texas is a trade union focused on providing modular refinery installation wherever you need it. It is your best source for cost-effective, globally focused products and services.

We design, build and manufacture modular refinery equipment to meet our customers’ needs. We use industry-recognised standards and best engineering practices to ensure longer equipment life, higher product yields, accuracy and performance.

Refinery Equipment of Texas has developed a field-proven four-step design approach for guaranteed results.

Four Steps:

1. Calculate – perform calculations for each equipment component. i.e. heat exchangers, etc.

2. Simulate – simulate the process using industry recognized simulation software.

3. Optimize – optomize each component in the system.

4. Manufacture – manufacture the equipment with guaranteed results.

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At every stage, we could supervise your project – controlling all the details and consulting the builders.

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